Common Sense for Drug Policy Chairman Mike Gray, an author and film maker, has created in cooperation with the Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative a documentary titled "Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Clergy Speak Out Against The War On Drugs."
The reasons for making this video were clear. As Rabbi Michael Feinberg, Executive Director of the Greater NY Labor Religion Coalition, says in the film, "I would say that the war on drugs has caused as much devastation to communities around this country, particularly low income communities, as the drugs themselves." And in the words of The Very Rev. Scott Richardson, Dean at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego, "One of the reasons that we as religious leaders need to speak out against it is because we share responsibility for it."
The clergy video is available online. Due to its length, it has been divided into two parts, both of which are embedded below. Individual copies of the video are also available on DVD by request. Simply send your mailing address to Common Sense for Drug Policy by emailing CSDP Director of Research Doug McVay.