Thursday, October 16, 2008

UCLA Prop. 36 2008 Final Study

The University of California - Los Angeles issued a new report on California's Prop. 36, also known as the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000.

Measures Would Greatly Expand Oregon Prison System

Oregon voters are faced with two competing measures that could expand the prison industrial complex by over $1 billion.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Methamphetamine: Prohibition Shifts Smuggling Routes

The demand for meth and prohibition of its ingredients is re-shaping the global drug trafficking map.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tues Oct 14, 2008 News Articles

Voters could relax marijuana penalties

Proposition 5: Measure requires greater leniency in drug crimes
Ventura County (CA) Star

S.F. leads way on patient-friendly pot clubs
San Francisco (CA) Chronicle,

Official: Drug problem in schools
Wheeling Intelligencer (WV)

As the violence soars, Mexico signals it's had enough of America's stupid war on drugs

A plan to win drug war
The Windsor (Canada) Star

"Three strikes and out" penalty for cannabis users falls apart
The Times (London, England)

Afghan minister welcomes NATO's role in war on drug
Xinhua (China)

Life in the midst of a drugs war
Nouse (York University, UK)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Incarceration Causes More Harm Than Benefit

Starting in 1996, the Vancouver Injection Drug User Study now demonstrates how incarceration creates more harm than benefit for injection drug users.